What is a QA engineer and his role in software development

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"Quality is not an accident, it is always the result of mental effort." - John Ruskin
A QA engineer is a professional who plays a vital role in the software development process. He is responsible for creating and conducting test scenarios, predicting user behavior, and testing product functionality. His work is aimed at detecting errors before the software reaches the hands of users, ensuring the high quality and reliability of the product. QA engineers work alongside developers to ensure that every feature and every line of code meets high standards. They compile documentation on detected defects, conduct a thorough analysis of received data, and act as quality guarantors at every stage of software creation. The importance of the work of a QA engineer is difficult to overestimate. As the well-known specialist cited above emphasizes, without the hard work and intelligence of these specialists, the quality of the product would be different. They are the last line of defense against mistakes that can cost companies reputations and financial losses."

Key skills and best practices of QA teams

To become a true software quality assurance professional, QA engineers need to master several key skills. At the same time, following quality assurance best practices can significantly improve team productivity and the quality of the final product. Here are the most important skills:
  • Analytical skills: quick understanding and analysis of large amounts of information.
  • Attention to detail: Even small mistakes can lead to big problems.
  • Knowledge of testing tools: for example, Jira, Selenium, or QTP.
  • Programming understanding: A basic knowledge of URLs helps with test automation.
  • Communication Skills: Communicate effectively with developers and other stakeholders.
By following these best practices, QA engineers can ensure the high quality and reliability of the products they work on.

How to become a QA engineer: education and certification

Детальний знімок інженера з контролю якості, який розглядає код через лупу, символізуючи ретельний пошук помилок та забезпечення високої якості. Зображення має випромінювати концентрацію та увагу до деталей, використовуючи сині та зелені кольори для створення спокійного, але зосередженого настрою. To become a QA engineer, you need to go through several educational stages and get the appropriate certificates. You can start with basic courses that introduce you to the basics of testing and software development techniques. Additional training will help you develop analytical skills and attention to detail. Professional certifications like ISTQB confirm your qualifications and increase your chances of success in the field.
Education / Certification Description
Online courses Introduction to the basics of testing and practical tasks
Technical universities Bachelor's or master's degree in information technology
ISTQB certificates International software quality standards
Specialized trainings Deep study of testing and automation
Do not forget about the need for constant self-improvement and familiarization with new tools and techniques. Knowledge of the English language is also important, as most of the technical documentation and resources are available in this language. Starting your career can be challenging, but with the right education and certification, you have everything you need to succeed. Explore training and certification opportunities at https://www.istqb.org/.

Salary and career prospects in Ukraine

According to an analyst of the Ukrainian IT market, "the dynamics of the development of the technological sphere in Ukraine directly contributes to the growth of wages and the expansion of career prospects for QA engineers". The average salary for a QA engineer in Ukraine is approximately 24,000 hryvnias, but it has significant growth potential in large cities and remote positions. The professional path can start with the role of a junior specialist and gradually progress to the position of the head of the QA department, with the prospect of receiving a salary in the region of $3000. These data indicate that a career in the field of software quality assurance not only promises stability, but also opens wide horizons for professionals who seek to develop and reach new heights.

QA engineers and modern approaches to software development

In today's approaches to software development, the role of the quality assurance (QA) engineer takes on a new meaning, as he becomes a key participant in ensuring the high quality and reliability of the product. Here's how QA engineers integrate into different methodologies:
  • Agile: Close interaction with developers to promptly identify and eliminate errors, active participation in daily meetings and sprints. DevOps: Focus on test automation to ensure continuous integration and delivery, participation in the implementation of real-time monitoring and feedback systems. CI/CD: Creation of automated tests to support continuous integration (Continuous Integration) and continuous deployment (Continuous Deployment), which allows rapid release and update of products.
Through these techniques, QA engineers influence all stages of development, contributing to the creation of quality software that meets user needs and business requirements.


Completing our journey through the world of QA engineering, we realize that high-quality software is not just a market requirement, but an art that requires continuous improvement and development. Becoming a QA engineer means tirelessly honing your skills, mastering advanced technologies and development methodologies, and certainly striving for the highest quality standards. Зображення, що символізує зростання та неперервне самовдосконалення в галузі QA. Уявіть собі динамічний графік з лініями та точками, які з'єднуються в узори, що втілюють складність і красу тестування програмного забезпечення Anyone interested in a career as a QA engineer should remember that your path will require dedication and a passion for learning. Start by mastering the basics, not forgetting certifications that can open new horizons for you. Do not back down in the face of difficulties, because they make you stronger and more experienced. You have every opportunity to become a QA engineer who makes a significant contribution to the quality of the software product and the satisfaction of customer needs. Use the acquired knowledge, share experience with colleagues and do not stop there. Strive for continuous learning and self-improvement, and then success will not be long in coming. Let this article inspire you to take action. Share it in your URLs, discuss it with your colleagues, and together we will raise the standards of software quality to the next level!

Frequently asked questions about QA engineers

What does a QA engineer do in his day-to-day work?

A QA engineer is engaged in daily quality control of software product, detection and registration of errors, development of test scenarios and interaction with the development team for their correction. They also monitor product compliance with technical requirements and quality standards.

What are the key skills required for a QA engineer?

Analytical skills, attention to detail and knowledge of testing tools are key to success in QA engineering. Effective communication skills and understanding of modern software development methodologies are also required.

What certifications can increase the chances of becoming a QA engineer?

Certifications such as ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) can significantly improve your chances. They demonstrate a deep understanding of QA standards and testing techniques, strengthening your position in the market.

What is the average salary of a QA engineer in Ukraine?

The average salary of a QA engineer in Ukraine varies from 20,000 to 40,000 hryvnias per month, depending on experience and specialization. However, highly qualified specialists can count on a much higher remuneration.

How do QA engineers interact with software development teams?

QA engineers work closely with development teams, applying feedback and iterative testing to ensure the highest quality products. They actively participate in sprint planning, retrospectives and daily stand-up meetings, emphasizing the importance of communication and teamwork.